Saturday, August 9, 2008

I love veggies

We all know how nutritious vegetables are. And among the variety of vegetables this world has to offer, I like the green leafy ones. And if I were given a chance to be reincarnated, I'd like to be a green leafy vegetable, perhaps a lettuce for instance. Green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin K, needed for blood clotting. I would voluntarily offer myself to those people with bleeding problems. I'll help them stop their bleeding and save their precious blood. Aside from Vitamin K, these vegetables are also rich in other vitamins and minerals which all of us needs, whether you're a healthy or unhealthy individual.

On another note, this video is interesting. It is about the sproutwells trying to fit in with the humans. Watch them so you will be amused and share this video with everyone.

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