Monday, March 24, 2008


Due to chronic insomnia, I opted to buy a sleeping pills from Watson store before. Last night I tried taking it in hope of being able to sleep easily and at long intervals. Been an insomniac since college days and I've been suffering it intermittently for years. *Sob.

About 12mn, I took the pill. Well, I don't know if "sleeping pill" is an appropriate term to use. It's a herbal thingy in a capsule that would help you get to sleep.

Yes, I did sleep. But I don't think it was a peaceful sleep. It was as if my body is asleep but my mind's not. At 5:30am, I woke up with a migraine.

Whenever I am having a migraine, no drugs could help me at ease, though haven't tried Advil yet since it's not available here in the house. So my only remedy for that is sleeping. I had a hard time going back to sleep because I was feeling nauseated. *Sob.


Vi Anne said...

Isn't it a bit too late to take those pills at 12mn? You're playing RO again aren't ya?

Crissy said...

Haha...12mn was too late! But if i didn't take it it would reach me 4-5am before I could get to sleep.

I've quitted RO since last year. c",)

FoxTwo said...

Wow I never knew you could buy sleeping pills from Watsons! I gotta try that soon. I hope they're available here in Singapore like they are over there in Philippines...

Crissy said...

^It's made up of herbs. I don't know if it's considered as "sleeping pill".