Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Few days back, you heard me whining about my work. Apparently I was having PMS (premenstrual syndrome) that time so I was kinda irritable and had these mood swings…stuffs most women undergoes. LOL.

Due to my reflections during my spare time, I came to realize that I was being close minded. I wasn't open to new learnings…new ideas. Given that I had gained experience from another institution, I stood by from what I learned from there, even though I was aware that every institution has it’s own set of protocols. It was just that I found myself having a hard time adjusting with the new working environment and new people. I always wanted to quit. I always woke up feeling like it was a burden for me to go to work. I realized I wasn’t flexible enough. Good thing, my mom stood by my side, reassuring me that everything would be okay...encouraging me not to quit.

There were people that I hated to be with. Not compromising with them nor understanding them. It felt like every body was against me. It hindered me from mingling with them, though not all. Hehe. As you can see, it doesn’t feel nice to work and be with people whom you are not okay with. Don’t get me wrong, there were no rivalries between us. It’s just my gut feelings. Hope you understand what I meant.

And this time, with much thinking I’ve done these past few days, I had spotted these weaknesses and let go of it. I humbly opened myself with the teachings from my seniors. Those people I feared and hated to be with, I learned to understand and compromise with them. I now knew how to adapt with the new environment and it felt much peaceful and serene now. I am now seeing myself enjoying my work with my colleagues and seniors.

So I looked at the bright side of this situation…”that it’s not bad to learn new things, in fact it would help me become better in my profession”. “It isn’t bad to be inferior sometimes, I am no omnipotent and I have no right to act like one. People come and go, and every people we meet gives us new blessings and new learnings in life no matter how different the personality one has”.

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