Friday, July 24, 2009

Waiting for His Return Text

It was kinda odd that I haven't heard from him the whole day. His mobile phone's cannot be reached and I've talked to his cousin and informed me he's not home yet and that he's phone's battery is empty. I was worried. It's his second day to that new place where he is now and I was concerned that he might be lost.

I was relieved when I finally knew from his cousin that he's already home. But I still cannot reach his mobile phone. At least he's safe. But can't he be considerate enough to return my text and just informed me that he's okay? I was worried sick.

1 comment:

Mommy Kharen said...

though some guys really such insensitive..and if you're about to ask them they might misinterpreted it as you were not trusting him..hayyy.. they don't even bother if you were ok instead..but whatever he's reason just took a deep breath and say it's ok, you don't even know what had happened and its irrational to nag or get mad towards him... Sabi nga kung sino nakakaintindi xa na lang magparaya(but this never applies always..)

have a great day..