I'm grateful with the compensations I get through blogging and with my work here in the shop. In a way, I am earning my own money through these, although it's not that much compared when you are really employed. But then as I realized that I have my own money, I also have the urge to buy anything. It's like, it's easy now to buy whenever I go to the mall. I realized that I am perhaps an impulsive buyer and I get surprise why I consumed all my money. Yay! As mush as I try hard to save, I am always tempted to splurge. That's one reason I didn't withdraw all my money from my paypal account. Geez...what do you guys do to save and to prevent you from being tempted? *Sigh.
*Photo by ~javieralcalde.
Try as hard as you can not to buy something? The eyes are evil indeed :)
I guess it's fair to use some of your income for your own personal leisure, just not too much heh heh
got a problem with spending my money from blogging, though I don't earn as much as you guys because I don't do reviews regularly.
One time I used all $95 dollars for a sofware and that leaves me nothing lol!
That's a good news and all bloggers are happy because they make money i make too...Just drop my EC and comment.
Every now and then I feel a real silly need to buy something I haven't much use for. Or, actually, I do use these things but the urge is really strong and weird! So I go buy stuff. I should fight it too, but sometimes I'm just bad. Ugh.
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