I have this fondness for accessories, though I don't have huge collections of it. It makes me attracted to vintage looking things and glittering things. No wonder I had my eyes set on chamilia beads while surfing the net. They are a keeper! It's one way of expressing oneself, your own personal style.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Trophy Hopping
I remembered the time when we used to canvass for trophies to be used in our school's intramural. There are a number of selections to choose from. But what's eye catching are the pinewood trophies which stands out from the rest. It's a good looking trophy. Suitable to be given to the winners of the said events.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Trying To Resist
The mere fact that he's here makes me more want to fly away. I missed him, that's a fact. But reality bites, he has a new relationship now and I just have to accept and respect it. And even though I'm having this urge to communicate with him, I just have to resist it then. Don't wanna make things complicated. Anyway, if he's still interested, he'd call. I realized I already fell out of love for him.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Right now, I am looking forward in upgrading my employment status this year 2011 despite of my tardiness. So I could have a raise in my salary and therefore I can apply for a credit card. I need one for emergency purposes not just for shopping. Hehe. I even need this to pay things online. this would be of great help.
The Right Shorts
Running helps burn more calories. That is why runners are physically fit. It would be better to perform this exercise if you had the right outfit like wearing the running shorts as well as the running shoes. You can perform even better with it since it's more comfortable. Maybe that is why runners wear this skimpy shorts. It's with a purpose.
Perfect Match
This is one Korean drama I loved. Not only because of it's lead actor, Lee Min Ho, but as well as the story itself. I admire the character of Lee Min Ho here wherein, he slowly feel for that girl who by the way is a designer furniture. The latter has this genuine kindness trait that made Lee Min Ho's character fell in love with her. The drama was lightly comedic and so you can find yourself laughing in ti at the same time it will sent giggles as you witnessed these characters feel in love with each other.
Hypothermia Complication
Hypothermia is one of the complications I encounter in the PACU unit. It delays the transporting of my patient back to her room as I have to stabilize his temperature first. It would take like 2-4 hours to normalize his temperature even though you provided double drop light, fleece blanket and no aircon. I guess, having an electric blanket would be of great help to help speed up his recovery from his hypothermia state.
My First Depth Charge Experience
After our Christmas party in the our department, we went out to chill in a bar. Most of us were present during the night out except of course for those who were on duty. Beers were abundant and everyone has their own beer on hand. Apparently, one of us noticed that it would be long night for us if we just stick to a beer, and so he ordered to buy a tequila for everyone and make it to a depth charge.
It's a cocktail, a strong one. They say it's a party drink since most of us were alive after one shot. The alcoholic effect was delayed and after awhile I can sense the alcohol flowing through my bloodstream and started to get tipsy. I had 3 shots of it. Most of us did have our fair os host. And majority of us knocked out. It was a fun night, seeing a lot of us were drunk. It's the best and the worst party we had. And we all had a great time.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Testing Lead
There was one particular moment that there was a massive recall of some toys after learning that the materials used has lead content in it. Popular toy companies were greatly affected with it. parents, were frantic after learning about the controversy which resulted to this serious recall. even I was surprised with that news. I've been a fan of some of those toys since childhood and I wonder if I got some lead from it. As observed, I'm still normal. And maybe I wasn't affected with it.
Lead is potentially dangerous to our health especially for the kids. It can result to lead poisoning that is particularly toxic for the children. That is why, we have to take precautions in buying stuff for our kids. We can choose to buy the most effective lead test kit that can help detect lead contents in various things. It's difficult at these times keeping protecting our family from the harmful toxins if we don't have the aid on how to detect it. And so personally, having a lead test kit is helpful in our households. You can find it in your leading departments stores or hardwares near you. You can even find it online.
It's one way of preventing lead poisoning. So safeguard your family's health. Use lead test kit now.
It was last week, if I remember it right, that most of the areas in our city experienced total blackout after a lightning hit one of the electric post. It didn't last though. Good thing we had our own emergency light at home which was a big help as an alternative to having a honda generator. Of course having a generator has the most advantage than the former.
Perfect Time To Unwind
It's that special season wherein you wished you are with your special dear. Perhaps, just merely sitting in a wooden swing sets while looking at the stars above and talking about just anything. Maybe, you future together perhaps. It's romantic. The cold breeze makes you hug more to each other. What a sweet moment for the two of you together. And what a sweet way to spend Christmas together.
Wanna Return It
I think this is the appropriate time to return the ring he has given me. I guess most rings that are given to you by a special person strengthens your bond for that person. And because of that, having that ring gives me the hope that everything would be alright. But since I think that thigns won't be the same again, and there'll be no more reconciliation, I guess it is just right to return it. It has special value for me.
Medicine Storage
Personally, every house should have a medicine cabinets that cannot be reach by children. It is a must to store your medicines. Remember, medicines isn't good for the health when taken inappropriately. That is why, it should be away from the kids. There several medicine cabinets you can find in the market today. There are the classy ones, the colorful ones and the trendy ones. So pick one for your home.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The Worst Party Ever
It was our unit's Christmas Party last night and to make a difference, we used the Filipiniana Theme for our party. Everyone were required to wear something Filipino. Prizes were given to those who has the best costume.
We sang Filipino songs and carols. We had jokes in Filipino were everyone was complaining how their jaws aches from laughing too much.
Everyone had so much fun last night!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Had A Mini Grocery Shopping Awhile Ago
Mini because I only bought 6 items in the grocery store for use in our Christmas Party tomorrow. It wasn't that hard to line up in the cashier area because they process it so quickly with the use of a barcode scanner.
I'm kinda excited for our party wearing our national costumes and eating a Filipino delicacies. Our games and presentations tomorrow are the highlights. And even our guests are excited to witness it. I surely hope everyone will have fun tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Auto Repairs
Owning a car entails a great deal of responsibility. Not only in terms of safety but as well as maintenance of your own car. You may need to undergo some repairs, especially with rv repairs. Kind of time consuming but it's part of your car maintenance. To make sure that your car is in good condition thus lesser risks for accidents.
Heartbreak Again
Every time I see the face of that girl I hated, that seemed happy and inlove with my ex boyfriend, I still feel a little jealous and hatred. Jealous because my ex isn't around with me anymore, and is diverting his attention to this girl to cover up his emotional longings towards me. And hatred because, he didn't believed me and instead succumbed with his jealousy and anger and left me.
Though after almost 2 years of being single and heartbroken, I find myself difficult to love another. And over and over again, I still have heartbreaks over my ex. I guess with all these emotional stressors, is there still a best anti wrinkle cream to prevent my face from forming some wrinkles? I do hope so, because this is one thing that stresses me. Luckily, I've already accepted the fact that it's over and I'm moving on. I guess, there's no more turning back this time. I just hope he's happy with his decision and with his new girl.
Looking For A Lingerie
Just awhile ago, while my friends and I were malling. We dropped by at this lingerie store since my friends is looking for one. We were scanning there items and yes, most of their products were pretty and sexy. But my god! It's too expensive, personally. I don't think the price is worth it's value considering that it's just a lingerie. Perhaps, they really have a name and they're products are of in good quality.
Using ECG Machine
One of the things working in the Intensive Care Unit is the routinary take of ECGs on patients. I used to know how to it. But with almost a year of not getting a hand of it. I seemed to forget how to place the specific electrodes. In the operating room, we do monitor the patient's heart rate through an ecg that is showed in the cardiac monitor. But we don't have that ecg machine in the unit.It's not that necessary though. We just need a cardiac monitor with a printer on it.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Got My IV License Expired
That is so sad news for me. I had my IV license expired already last December 1. At first I thought it was December 10, but when I was preparing for my renewal requirements, there I clearly read that it's the former. Now I have to gamble with the submission of requirements hoping that there is still a grace period after the expiry date. If not then I have to retrain again and pay two thousand bucks for that. Hayz!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Cable Movies
Amazingly, our local television can get signal from cable network. I didn't know how since none of us tried tweaking our antennas for that. I guess, it was a natural phenomenon since it isn't only in our household that gets reception of these cable channels. The reception isn't that clear though, but can still be viewed. So it's just fine. I was thinking of subscribing to a cable network. Maybe someday when I get promoted from my job.
Goodbye To Our Not So New Car
It was a relief having a car. It was given to us as a payment for some company's debt in our business. It isn't that old nor new. just decent enough to be driven around. And it felt comfortable being fetched by my brother with this car every after my duty, especially at night.
We had it for months, and my parents decided to sell it due to financial reasons. It was saddening but it's important to do it for our family's sake. I was beginning to search for cheap auto insurance quotes already but halted it because of the sudden selling.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Idea Of Moving Out
It's kind of saddening to note that my family and I were planning to move out from our old house. This is where my home is since childhood and had formed friendships around the neighborhood as well. Memories are abundant in this home. But sad to say, we are to sell it due to financial reasons.
On a lighter note, instead of wallowing, I find it an opportunity to make use of my dream to design the house interiors, maybe have some laminate flooring perhaps? having a new home will make way for this dream to commence. And because of that idea, I am excited to transfer to our new home.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A Very Special Day
This is the first time that I get to celebrate my birthday being busy helping out with the organization of a convention. Personally, I find it okay since this is the first time I guess. Lots of food that I don't even have to treat them with. Hehe. What makes it more fine with me is that, my attention's got diverted to work instead of wallowing back at home. At least I am being happy, and I really am!
I really appreciate those people who greeted me! Thank you so much! You made my day really special! :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Rosacea Right Infront of Me
I find it a blessing to see a case of rosacea right before my eyes. We had a patient with this kind of disease and it was just fascinating on my part to have seen it in reality. Now I know how it looks like. This patient of ours is undergoing a rosacea treatment. And somehow, it shows good results since the start of his treatment. God will, these will lead to total healing.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Not A Boxing Fan
Daily activities of my fellow citizens suddenly came into a halt to watch Pacquiao's fight. My dad and my brother watched it live in the internet. While I continued my sleeping the whole morning not until my parents asked me to go with them at Tagum to visit our relatives there.
Literally, I'm not a boxing fan but I do have an idea on how Pacquiao's fights commenced. Of course, it's the talk of the town! And even though I'm not fond of this game, I'm still proud for my fellow "kababayan" for winning the fight.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Nice Schedule
My schedule isn't that stressful for me since I don't have to wake up early in the morning, which is a good thing since I am not a morning person after all. And I don't have to go home late. So I have the luxury of time to sleep early and wake up late the next day. So far, I'm not experiencing any insomnia these days. So there's no need for a sleep pills for that matter. I don't have to go through the desperate move just to have myself sleep the whole night. It's a great thing! And soon enough I have to bid farewell to this nice schedule I have.
Convention Uniform
Two weeks from now, we will be attending a convention. This is my first time to join as an officer of that particular organization. Though I'm excited because it's also my birthday! I will be busy that day. What worries me is our uniform. We have a prescribed gala uniform for that event and since I'm one of those new officers, the uniform isn't free. So we have to pay it on our won. Hays, how would I find money for that? And I have to like take a weight loss dietary supplements as early as now for me to lose weight that instant and to look good on that outfit.
Looking Forward For Our Bingo Anticipation
Yey! I'm excited! My friend and I are planning to join an IV updates seminar tomorrow. After which we will be pushing through with our planned bingo. Just for fun though! It's tiring to always do late night gimiks so it's better to try another trip. Ohh...I'm so eager to have that beginner's luck! Hopefully, we could win!
Monday, November 8, 2010
I Hate Mall Sales
Why? Is it because, I don't have the moolah to buy the things that I want. Especially if it's on sale. Just like the apple bottom jeans I found in one of the mall shops awhile ago. It's very feminine and I really wanted to buy it. Sad to say, I don't have an extra money for that. My money saved is for the different billings and credits due by this month. Arrghhh! It's just so frustrating!
Lucky Shot
I was wondering when could I ever have my lucky shot in winning from coupons. I never won any major prizes so far. And I think the winners are very lucky from winning with it. I do have alot of coupons filled up from different department stores, raffle promos and the like. Hopefully, one day I could get my chance to shine.
Feeling Warm
The usual thing I hate most as a PACU nurse is transporting the patient back to it's room. The ward is so hot, as compared in the operating room where the latter is fully airconditioned. Everytime I'm in the ward for endorsement, I feel like asking for a cold air intake for my body to cool it down. I just hate it when I sweat all over.
Helping Out In Our Family Business
I feel quite guilty not being able to help out in our family business. I just can't find myself doing finance jobs efficiently. As much as I would like to help, my work schedule also conflicts. I don't have the spare time to use to help out in the business. I know how our business is doing now. And even I is worried about it. I hope I could help in some way, but I just don't know how. Hopefully, we will regain our losses and progress more.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Improved Rank!
Yey! What a surprise! It's been years that has passed that I lost my page rank. Didn't even cared to regain it back as I was too busy with my personal life. But now, I regained it back! Page rank of 2! That was a surprised! A good advance present as well for my upcoming birthday! Weee! Thanks google for this rank!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Acne Treatments Does Wonders
My pimple prone skin has come to a halt. Thanks to an acne treatment I've been using. It help does wonders to my skin. Now, I got minimal breakouts ever since using it. And I am happy and satisfied my skin now. I thought my skin's a disaster but I was wronged! Don't even have to wear foundation and make up to cover my imperfections. It's just so heaven sent!
Athletes And Vanity
Some people who are sportsminded or even the athletes need supplements to help them perform better. Aside from this, there are also some who also took an antioxidant supplemetns to help delay tehir aging. Of course, they want to be healthy and to look younger. And I guess, with that demand, hgh supplements was born to satisfy that need. With hgh, you can improve your performance and at the same time feel and look younger.
Flowers On Rise
Days to count more is another All Soul's Day! Part of our tradition is to celebrate this day in the cemetery where our loved ones were buried. Here family reunions are common. Flower prices are on rise due to increase in demand, even the common garland too. Food is even abundant because there is celebrations here and there. It wouldn't be a celebration at all if there is no food, right?
But it's quite saddening to know that November isn't considered a holiday and I still got work!
Muscles' Stressed
Most of us at work experience muscles aches often. It must be brought about by the line of work we have. There are times when it's not busy, I'll around some people who knows to massage my back and ask favor to do it for me. Luckily, a number of them know how to and is open to give their free service. I was wondering then that I should learn how to massage too. And considers looking for a massage therapy program online. To my surprise, there are a lot of them at an affordable price. Maybe one of these days I could enroll.
Lost Some Belly Fat
Had my physical assessment before I started my gym program, and surprisingly I had a normal waist time. But even it's normal, I'm already in the boundary of having moderate risk to certain diseases and so my program entails to focus more on my tummy. Mytrainor was considerate eneough to make some alternative to abdominal crunches since I'm having difficulty performing it. He stated I have weak neck! Lol! But since I have to lose the belly fat he has to make alternatives for it. And I think it was effective since I can sense that my nursing pants had loosen a bit. Needs to constantly do those exercises again.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Partially Met!
I had this desire to know how to drive. Though I had informal lessons from my father years before and got scared. But now, I have this craving to learn again that is why just last night, I convinced my father to teach me how. It was still scary! Though I finally have the guts to take the wheels. From the main road of our village, I successfully managed to drive back home. It wasn't a perfect drive, still needs more learnings. But it was partially met for my goal. Sooner or later, if I get consistent lessons, I can drive on my own safely and responsibly!
Affiliate Programs Are In
I had this one co-worker who is fond of joining affiliate programs. He even joined an online affiliate programs and is inviting us to join too. I do think there's nothing wrong joining these kind of programs online as long as you do your research first before engaging into one. As of now, I think I don't have the ample of time to engage in one. I still have to do more research in every program that interests me. Maybe in time, when one satisfies me and have answers to my questions, then perhaps I could join.
Holiday Season During My Grade School Year
Everytime Christmas season is approaching, I get stressed out thinking of any teacher christmas gift ideas for my favorite teachers. Yes, I am fond of giving gifts to them. It's my way of showing them my appreciation. Thanking them for all the learnings and care they had shown to us and to me. That's how thoughtful I was. But now, I am being more practical and for me giving gifts is a waste of money. Nyahaha! But I'm still open to receive gifts if any.
Alarming Cancer
The number of cancer cases are arising nowadays. Based on our OR cases, there are a number of cancer patients already who undergone surgery. It's kind of alarming! It seems like this disease is already common in our society. Well, there are a lot of carcinogens around us now. But among the cancer cases I haven't encountered so far is the Mesothelioma. It's caused by asbestos exposure. And it's one of the rarest disease globally. I hope no one can get this.
My First Performance
This is considered to be my first performance ever since I step foot on the hospital I am working in. We were supposed to have this acquaintance party but it turned out that we just gathered there to perform our presentation. Every area were obliged to participate in the presentation and so we were forced to produce a dance number in our area to the tune of "Hagibis". It was retro motif and supposedly the O.R. boys should be the one dancing. But since they're kind of shy and so my friend and I participated in that number. It was embarrassing, really embarrassing! But our presentation was fun, I guess everyone did enjoyed that.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Maintaining My Weight
There are a lot of people teasing me with my weight, that I am fat! But factually speaking, I'm still within my normal body weight. And that pisses me off! Though I really gained weight since I started my work, but it doesn't mean that I'm already fat. Perhaps my physique gives the illusion that I'm big. Anyways, even though there are safe diet pills that work in the market, I still opted to go to the gym even though most of the times I'm too lazy to workout. I need toning for my body and I didn't have weight loss program. I hope I could get the desirable outcome I want.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Winning The Raffle
How lucky was my friend's niece who luckily won the raffle of an Ipad. Part of the raffle is to drop your business card or calling card to the box and this is what they use for picking their winners. She is just so lucky! I wonder then if I could somehow make a calling card for me. It has an advantage though especially with this kind of raffles. Got to find some business card printing services and choose one good design for me.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Assembling A Tent

I'm not a camper and I don't own a tent. But during our escapade at BUDA, we have to use a tent to accommodate us during our sleeping time. We were a big group and we can't be accomodated all inside the cabin. Three people from the group brought their tent. We helped out in putting it up, and it's not that hard as I thought it was. We made a good job with it. I was proud to helped out!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Funny Conversation
Everyone was tipsy during our stay at BUDA. And this one friend we were teasign because of her facebook status about a certain networking product. Due to her intoxication, she started talking about resveratrol and how it delays aging. It's the major component of their product and although I've heard it from another company, maybe it one effective antioxidant we have in the market today than buying those anti aging products in the commercial.
Alopecia...Is That You?!
Alopecia is a condition affecting human beings where hair loss is prominent to the extent of being bald. It's one symptom to different diseases. But with me, I am having hair loss. Though not to the extent of losing a lot of hair. It's just overwhelming to see losing your hair when you comb it. Though there some hair loss shampoo in the market today, but I don't find them effective. It may be related to something I eat or an underlying disease. Whatever it is, I hope it's not life threatening and irreversible.
Stressed and Stressors
A little stressor is healthy for our well being but lots of it especially if we can't handle it well may lead us to be stressed. Wrinkles are one thing that can be evident if we are stressed. We look haggard and it's not a beautiful thing to see. And so as early as now, we should take care of our skin especially underneath our eyes where our skin is very delicate. It's just a good thing to use under eye wrinkle cream for it.
Sight Seeing
Back in BUDA where the place is so nice, so nature trip. It could have been great if we bought with us a bushnell binoculars for sight seeing. We might have seen some strange creatures there. A lot of things to do in BUDA. And a lot of nature tripping to do. We are blessed to have places like this despite of the urbanization. Hope it's natural beauty will be preserved.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Why So Toxic?
These past weeks, I realized that the unit has been so toxic. There are a lot of cases to attend to and it's just brain and body draining for all of us. It could have been better if we have more staff and monitors available for a smoother operation. But since, we all have to work all around, and beat the toxicity of our work. We've done our work but we all feel exhausted after. I think it's too much, perhaps we need a raise. :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
It's Not Only Me Who's Insomniac
It's a relief to know that it wasn't only me who has insomnia. Most of the people in my workplace suffers the same thing. Perhaps it's one complication of being a nurse with a shifting schedule. We all shared our tips and tricks to combat insomnia and it's interesting to note that most of them sought the help of some medicines to help them doze off. They uses the best over the counter sleep aid in the market for a faster action. And most of them agreed that it's effective and so I started to try it and it worked!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Almost Forgot My Pin
Been in the mall hours ago for the midnight sale. Was able to buy some stuff I need. But before that, I headed to the ATM machine to inquire my debit card's balance. Then off I went to buy some stuff. Unfortunately as I was in the cashier paying for my purchases, I handed my debit card and encoded my pin number. To my surprise, I had used a wrong PIN. Retyped it again, and still it failed. Naks! Just minutes ago, I was able to check my balance and then now I forgot my PIN.
I'm starting to be forgetful these days, I dunno why. Blame it on the gas anesthesia perhaps. Anyways, I ended up paying my stuff in cash.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Gym Workout
I'm starting to wonder what it feels like working out at home using a Nintendo Wii. As we all know, wii does wonders in the gaming arena. There a lot of Wii games in the market, even Wii workouts. It could be more practical and safe as than working out in the gym. Honestly, I'm starting to get lazy presenting myself at the gym for my workout. Got a lot of missed days in the gym. As a result, I'm just wasting my money for it.
Craving For A Credit Card
I am currently looking for a credit card nowadays. I longed to own one. So I could buy necessary things without spending a lot abruptly. It hurts my pocket. At least with credit card, you can pay it through installment. I think it's handy and necessary as long as it used wisely. I wanted to have a Visa so that I could receive a Visa reward card.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Life Saving Equipment
We were having a casual conversation with my friends this morning and we were talking about the factor that lead us to not know how to swim. I for one, doesn't know how to swim in deep waters. Perhaps, it was brought about by my near drown experience during my childhood years. The other one, narrated to us how she was able to deceive her siblings that she can swim because she was so aggressive in diving but smart enough to make sure that there is an inflated tire that's awaiting in her in the water to help her. Inflated tires are one life saving equipment we used during swimming especially in our childhood days, it's cheaper and durable just like an ATV Tires.
As You Get Older
There are physiological changes that a person will encounter as he ages. And this time for men, one changes that they will encounter is a decrease in libido. According to Carl Jung, it is an energy an individual has to put toward personal development. This motivated some pharmaceutical companies to generate a supplement that would help with the enhancement of this individuation. And because varieties of this certain product has sprung out in the market, you would want to choose the best male enhancement for you. It is better to consult with your physician first.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Just got home from our weekend getaway at Agusan Del Sur with friends. It was a smooth ride going to Agusan. I didn't even felt the long distance trip we had. Then off we went to Surigao for an enchanting day at the Hinatuan where the enchanted river was located. It was truly enchanting and breath taking. I'm still waiting for our photos to be uploaded. Then off we went back to Agusan for our overnight stay.
At last, my one goal was met and that was to set foot in enchanted river.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Needs To Detox
With all the stressors out there, I feel like I need to detoxify. I'm starting to avoid night outs as much as possible nowadays, and yet I still feel like I am so streesed out. I htink I need more sleep and antioxidant supplements. I even need some anti wrinkle lotion to prevent from having wrinkles especially around my eyes. Can't help but be paranoid about this since I am aging up. LOL!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Rainy Season
I'm beginning to dislike my schedule. Because I have to report at one in the afternoon and it's very hot to go out at this hour. My skin feels like burning from the scorching heat of the sun. And at the end of my shift, it would be evening. Usually the time for the rain to commence. I hate it when water rises because water can go inside my shoes. I have to wear rain boots to protect my shoes and my feet. Now I'm beginning to suggest to my senior to transfer me back to the main OR Complex.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
May Go Home
My Aunt has already given the physician's consent to go home and right now she's recovering at home. She'll visit her surgeon tomorrow for a check up and hopefully everything will be fine. She still needs to undergo an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) for her eyes as advised by her opthalmologist to verify if the problem of her left eye is caused only by mild stroke. She's diagnosed with breast cancer and we are hoping that the problem on her left eye has nothing to do with metastasis of her cancer cells. Still hoping that she will recover. She needs to undergo chemotherapy sessions and right now, what we are worried about is the expenses for her therapies. I pray that God will guide us in looking for ways to finance her needed therapies.
And to help her out, I also ask for you generous hearts for donations in any amount to aid her with her laboratory work ups and other therapies especially with her chemotherapy. It would be a great help for her recovery and may the Lord bless you.
Girls' Best Friend
They say that diamonds are the girls' best friends. How true is this? All I know is that we girls long to receive a diamond ring from someone we love, as a symbol of engagement and that marriage is coming soon. We all want to be married to the person we truly love right? Well I guess that is why it's trademarked as our best friend. Hmm...I still don't get the connection. Hehe.
Laughing My Heart Out
Being with my workmates in the unit gives me the laughter I need to forget about my problems. They truly are a blessing. Makes you feel happy and spontaneous. Laughing is another one good fat burners. Just be cautious for too much laughing as it may cause wrinkles in the long run. So don't wonder our unit is one big happy family, because we all have a strong bond through our laughters. Indeed, laughter is the best medicine.
Eye Bags
This is one flaw I have that I am very conscious about. Especially that I often work on a gaveyard shift, plus the night outs I had with friends all contributed to my puffy eyebags and discoloration. I wonder how to remove dark circles under eyes because i's not really flattering. I looked haggard on this and to hide this, I have to use concealers under my eyes so often. I want a permanent remedy for this and hopefully, there would be a product that could do wonders for my eyes.
Feels Bloated
It's kind of uncomfortable waking up in the morning feeling bloated and even the whole day. Feels like your stomach haven't digested the foods that you have eaten. Perhaps it's one factor that aids in the weight gain. That is why, there is colon cleanse that works among all other colon cleansers in the market today. Just try to search for good reviews online and you would find some decent cleansers that works!
Burning Fats
Don't take me literally with this guys. I'm talking about weight loss. And if losing weight is your goal like me, I think you are also on the path of looking for a fastest way to burn off fat. Cardio exercises are good in burning fat. But nowadays, how come it seemed so hard to lose weight even if I go to the gym? It isn't the same as before. Perhaps age is one factor to keep in mind. Now I'm even thinking that there might be a problem with my program. And so I'm thinking of transferring back to where I used to work out before. Hope that would help.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Site Back Online
Phew! At long last, I removed the site where my blog got infected with. And now it's back to normal again. And I am happy to figure that out.
On another note, I think this day is one of the unfortunate days I have. First off, I got an emergency text from my cousin asking help to admit her mom to the hospital. Second, I lost my cellphone at the gym. And third, I found out my Auntie's condition. Seems like it's not a good scenario. But I still hope God can do miracles and wonders for her.
I just got preoccupied this day. Hope everything will went well.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Rashes Everywhere
I'm currently suffering from skin rashes due to being exposed to the sea water last Saturday. I think I do have aquagenic. And it's so itchy. Tried taking some diphenhydramine last night, and it helped me get to sleep. I need some cottony lingerie to help me prevent from scratching my skin. It does help alleviate the pruritic feeling of my rash quite a bit. I just hope it would diminsh overtime. I can't go back to work with this condition. It's so damn uncomfortable!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Malware Detected!
It was a surprise to find my blog being attacked by a malware virus. If you can see the red warning on this site, I ask for my sincerest apology. As of now, I can't find a solution on how to troubleshoot this problem. Hopefully you guys can help me out. I don't want to spread some virus into your blogs as well. This might have been due to using public computers when I had no internet connection these past few weeks. And now I swear I won't be using public computers for my private accounts.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Receiving Benefits
I got a friend in the states who is currently handicapped. Initially she was undergoing a big and difficult adjustments in her life. But with the help of her family and friends, she managed to live a normal life. And even though she's disabled, she still managed to earn a living with the use of her remaining functional body parts. She's good in cooking and so she cooks and bakes and earn from it. Good thing she also has Medicare part D plan to use to receive her benefits.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Back At Gym
I'm actually working out again and on my 5th day in the gym. I enrolled in a gym near at my workplace for convenience. So far, the equipments were fine, they were all branded. The area is wide and I think, it's even complete. Plus, I like the fact that I can use their sauna. And since it's still my 5th day, I can't see visible results from my work out. Hopefully tomorrow my trainor will give me a a set of program to follow.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wedding Anniversary
colleague of mine shared with me how he and his wife celebrate their monthsaries. It's interesting to learn that they usually spend their monthsary the night before that special day. They unwind and bond together the night before and wait for the 12 midnight to strike and greet each other with warm hugs and kisses. Since they're newly married, they plan to celebrate their wedding anniversaries that way and as for their third wedding anniversary they plan to go on a vacation abroad. Probably by that time, they were already in Canada.

They usually don't give presents during their monthsaries but will be giving anniversary gifts by year. Everything is planned in advance. And I think for me, the best gift would be an offspring. They should be considering that in their plans.
Cyber Monday
Because we don't have an internet connection at home as of the moment, I want to make my first day of the week as my Cyber Monday mainly because I report to duty earlier that my regular schedule so I have the time to surf the net and to blog. It's pretty hard not having an internet connection at home but I'm getting use to it, hopefully. I just hope I don't get hack using public computers in the cafes.
Baby Shower
How exciting it is to look forward for my friend's baby shower. Just early this morning, I received a baby shower invitations for my friend who is soon to be a mother. My friends and I were all excited. With too much excitement, I am even now pressured what present I would give. Something cute and functional, I think. Hopefully, she will be delivering her baby sometime early this month.
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Retreat

It was a one day overnight retreat at Malaybalay, Bukidnon. I was invited by the ORNAP Davao Chapter to take part on this event. It was a blessing for me as I get to see the magnificent view of this monastery, the Benedictine's Monastery of Transfiguration. Their church is situated on top of the hill surrounded by mountains and hills that is breathtaking. It was one silent and relaxing venue. The monks were accommodating and hospitable and we were given the chance to pray with them as they pray seven times a day on their church.
Their voices were soothing and calm, as if you were listening to an angel's voice when they chant their prayers. The food were sumptuous and fresh, and I especially love their brewed coffee. I even take some at home.
The experience was one of a kind. I appreciated life and it's simplicity.
Their voices were soothing and calm, as if you were listening to an angel's voice when they chant their prayers. The food were sumptuous and fresh, and I especially love their brewed coffee. I even take some at home.
The experience was one of a kind. I appreciated life and it's simplicity.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
An Early Prom Shopping
It's still the month of August but surprisingly, I can see a lot of shops selling prom dresses this early. Must be cheaper to buy this time of the day than cramming next year, right? And you can even have the luxury of time to choose which dresses that would best suits you and have the chance to hop from one shop to another. Anyway, there's this cute black dress I saw online and if I am the one going to a prom, I would probably buy this kind of dress.
House Party
It was one fun night at one of our friend's house. He just moved in from that new house and invited us over for a drinking session. There we met his cute little puppy, a two months old labrador. Drinks were abundant that night but glad to say that no one went home drunk. Everyone was cool that night. His house seemed like a bachelor's pad with bean bags as his living room set and a log furniture outside the house for guests who wants to stay there.We were all hoping for another house party sometime next week.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Fun Sunday
It was one great fun we had last Sunday. Early morning we joined the Adidas Fun Run and was able to complete the 5k run. Though we really didn't do much running, it's more of walking. But anyways, it was fun to do it with your friends and with a lot of people as well. I was amazed how that event turned out. A lot of people had joined in.
Next stop, off we went to Malagos Garden Resort for our lunch buffet. Surprisingly, it was their farm fair day and a lot of guests where there. It was my first time to be in Malagos and I had fun with bird feeding and taking pictures around. One of the great photo we had was with this gigantic San Miguel balloon. We might look stupid with this photo with so many people around looking and laughing with our trip. We didn't mind though because we're all having fun goofing around.

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Miss My "Sugbonding" Friends
It has been several months that I haven't been my college friends. I'm starting to miss them especially our "sugbonding" moments. It when we stay in one of our friends house to drink, grill and bond. We usually make barbecues from an outdoor electric grill. I miss those moments. And it's just sad that whenever they invite me out, I'm always not available. Hopefully we could get to bond one of these days.
Lucky I'm Out Of School
There are times I would reminisce my days back in school. I missed the lectures, my friends and my allowance. But having graduated was indeed one goal that I met. And now that I am blessed to have my work, I met new set of friends. And because working as a nurse is a stressful job, we usually set a time for us to unwind. Tonight we will be having a night out with my colleagues and I thought that, it was good I finished school. I won't have to worry with my gmat prep and now I own my time as well. I can go out my my friends anytime that I want and my parents wouldn't be scolding me for that anymore. Hehe.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
It's Time To Exit
It bothers me a lot to know that one of my high school crush is now married and a father. I was expecting I could get to know him more. But after seeing him in the hospital now fat as before, I figure out it's one of the exit signs I was looking for. Anyway, it was good seeing him, at least I had the confirmation of not longing for him anymore. Hehe. What am I saying? LOL. I was just having wishful thinking. And so I have to move on to my next crush. Hehe.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I Feel It Again
This day's one of my saddest moments of my entire life, I think. I wasn't able to visit my grandfather's graveyard to commemorate his death anniversary. In addition, I feel longing for one person again. It's hard to feel this way and there's no way to reach to him. And I hate this feeling. Good thing my duty was busy and so my attention was diverted so I couldn't really dwell on this emotion. True enough, being busy can be a lot of help too.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Just Being Curious
Yesterday during my PM shift, there was nothing else to do since we haven't received any surgeries within our shift. And so while we were cleaning the entire department, I passed by this Kohler kitchen sink right beside our janitorial's closet. I was wondering why there was a yellow cellophane placed on top of the sink. Thought the faucet was defective and so I tried turning it on. To my surprise, it was functioning and I quickly turned it off because water was on the cellophane already. I guess, the drainage was defective on that sink. Never told anyone about it. Hehe.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Document Organizer
Being an adult entails a lot of responsibilities. Had a lot of responsibilities in the family, at work and with friends. Just right now, I am responsible to update my documents from my my agency and some documents from my current employer plus bills statements from my cellphone and my DSL. There are times that I misplaced my documents and it's a hassle and a waste of time searching for it when the time comes that I need it. I guess, a document management system will come in handy with this given situation. It would help organize my documents.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My Pampering Day
Off I went to the mall and planned on buying a piece of brassiere for me. Sadly, didn't have the color that I want which is skintone and so I decided to pamper myself instead. Headed on the second floor of the mall and found some promo packages from a certain beauty clinic. I chose the Diamond Peel with Facial Whitening. The staff was friendly and approachable. Even found myself asleep for awhile while waiting for my collagen mask to get done. Hmm...I wanted to have the other packages as well. Needs to save up for that.
Monday, July 19, 2010
What A Day It Was
It was one relaxing day for me. First stop, an early dinner in a Persian Cuisine. Next, on to a movie date with my movie buddy girl friend. Enjoyed the Sorcerer's Apprentice in a red carpet cinema. After which, headed to Damosa for our ice giants craving. Ordered some carbonara and a chocolate sundae. Then off we went to our final destination...body massage. Had one relaxing 40 minute whole body massage and I still crave for more massage. I'm thinking to have a body scrub next time. Seems like it's also relaxing.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Teasing Part
Admittedly, I know I am getting fat. To make it more subtle, I am gaining weight. And it pisses me off! Honestly, the teasing part sometimes annoys me because apparently it's true. And even though I wanted to control my diet, how can I if I always crave for food to compensate for being busy? I couldn't lose weight fast in that manner. Plus the soda we have every meal. Arrggh! it's just too tempting. Huhu.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Funny How Fate Play Games
I went out with my colleagues last night for a drink after my afternoon duty. Arrived at the bar around past midnight and my friend and I drank a beer before we headed to our next destination. Before leaving, my friend and I decided to drop by the rest room and while walking down the path way, I later recognized a familiar face from the table we passed by. He and his friends were talking while looking at our direction and I was quite embarrassed but managed to control my poise and looked as if I didn't know him. Hehe. It's funny that for so many years I haven't seen him, out of the blue there he was a feet away from me. Memories of the past quickly rushed in. Hays...childhood memories. Hehe.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Doing Nothing With My Day Off
I'm trying to relax and think of nothing but sleep. Only had a one day off today and tomorrow I'm going back to work again. Found myself sleeping the whole day. Even planned beforehand to watch dvd this day but omitted it and just lay down to bed and sleep. I'm just so lazy to move. I also hope to get a vacation soon. Hopefully a relaxing one. I really need one badly.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Best Wrinkle Treatment
As I was, surfing the price watch site, I noticed prototype 37c as being the number one best wrinkle treatment in the market. You can get it even without the doctor's prescription and it's worth $149.95, being the lowest price online. That's a good deal I guess, considering that it's the top 1 among the rest of the wrinkle treatments in the market. It's considered as the strongest and most effective treatment having 99% concentration of peptides which is the most expensive anti-wrinkle ingredient. Looking forward for a rejuvenated skin!
Price Watch
With a lot of products that are out in the market today, as a consumer, we also need to do comparing the prices of each market displays for certain products. I noticed that there are some sellers who sells their products more expensive than the store retail price. In that case, we need to do some comparison. We can even do it online at http://www.consumerpricewatch.org. So before buying, do some research so we would know where to buy the product the cheapest from it's counterparts.
A New Sport
Had the chance to learn a new sport with my colleagues. It's wakeboarding! And since we're all novices with this thing, we ask the park guide to orient us with the basics. First off, we used the kneeboard instead to get the feel of this sport works. And true enough, the adrenaline rush was addictive. It's scary in a way but once you get to take a whole turn of the park, you get satisfied and opted to try again! See how addictive it is. I wonder then, if this sport can be considered as one natural best fat burner.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Just An Illusion
For quite sometime now, I was whining about our budget meal. Their cup of rice isn't adequate to my craving appetite, especially after a very toxic cases. I guess despite of the unsatisfied stomach, there's an advantage to it. Some of my co-workers noticed I lose some weight. I tend to observe myself in front of the mirror and true enough, I noticed my arms were thinner though my tummy and my legs remained as is. But the weighing scales says otherwise. My weight still remains the same. Perhaps it's just an illusion. :(
Friday, June 25, 2010
It's kind of frustrating to see how my parents are so worried with our debts. Our family's already bankrupt. The only solution my father thought of is to sell our house and look for a smaller house to live in. The rest of us is ambivalent with the idea. I hope there's another solution for all these debts. It's even frustrating that I, as the eldest cannot even help my family with the financial problem since my income isn't enough. I really need to work abroad asap! I think it's the only way I could help them with our family dilemma.
Trials like this is really depressing. Sometimes, I asked Him why give us such trials like these. Or is there really a God? Why allow things like this to happen. Hopefully He'll make a way for us to survive from this situation without selling our house. Despite of feeling hopeless, I will still put my trust in Him.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Will A New Blog Work?
With God's grace my two blogs are working well. Been earning quite decently with these blogs. And because it's running smoothly I'm thinking of making a new blog again. I hope there's available online coupons for discounted hosts and domains to purchase. Needs to upgrade that blog immediately so I wouldn't lose any page rank if I have one. Will wait for my next withdrawal and purchase my host and domain from there. And oh, I almost forgot, I still need to renew my domains and hosts for my two accounts. Gawd!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
It's just confusing why he denies his "relationship" with that girl with everyone. And yet, that girl is shouting out loud how happy she is with him and how their relationship is going well. I just can't get it. Why deny if there's really a relationship? On the contrary, if there isn't any relationship, then why does this girl keeps on praising their so-called relationship? Ends up I don't want to believe in his statements anymore and just go with my instincts then.
Planning For A New Toy
I could say my father's computer business is running fine. He's been planning to buy a xbox 360 and build a new computer machine using it. It's now the fad among gamers and he thinks he'll earn well with this model. My brother and I insisted to buy one for the home so we could play our favorite games on xbox. That would be totally cool and fun.I haven't played an xbox yet but would be eager to try one. Must be better than it's other counterparts.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I Hate The Feeling Of Being Hurt
I thought I'm over him. I thought I've moved on. But then why do I still get hurt with him ignoring me? Why still feel the pain knowing he doesn't ignore the flirt? I shouldn't be feeling this way and I'm hating myself of feeling hurt again. I try to maintain my composure and just ignore the feeling, trying to control my temper and not to argue with him again. I just don't like him still having communication with that girl. He's still doing the things that discourages me. I'm losing my interest in him and I'm glad I have many outlets to divert to. Hays. I'm putting everything in God's will. May He give me the acceptance to accept His wills.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Explicitly Classy

Had to unwind after my work last Thursday and went to the mall to buy some shoes and to have my toenails done. I'm tired of going to the bars and drink and so I went back to malling as my breathers. I was amazed with the new set of Quoizel lighting displayed in the hardware store. It looks so classy and explicitly very beautiful. It would make one's home very warm and cozy to look at. I just admired how it was delicately and beautifully done.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
It's Definitely Hard To Say Goodbye
It's definitely hard to say goodbye to someone close to you, especially who is a part of the family. It's even harder when the form of death is a voluntary one. Questions were lingering in our minds. "Why? Why decide to end your life? Why not sought our help? Why absorbed all the pressures in your life within you."
It's hard to accept as it is still hard to believe. Nevertheless, we don't own her life. We had no control of it. We had no clues of why she had done it. She has her reasons. We didn't know how unbearable it was for her. All we wished is that she should have not dwell much on her problem and thought about her family and the people who loved her before doing it. Perhaps our coping mechanism is different from hers. Who are we to judge then?
Now, all we want is for her to receive eternal peace and to be forgiven for what she has done.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wedding Bash
Next summer is my friend's wedding. Our friends and I wanted to give her a single ladies' night out for the last time but too bad she's not here. Too bad also I can't be with her during her wedding day. I can't see her personally as she submits herself to her soon to be husband. I an't even see the wedding accessories that she will be using. It's so sad not to be able to with her on that special moment of hers. Hopefully, God will provide and He'll make a way.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Separation of Conjoined Twins

The separation of conjoined twins will be the first one to be made in our institution and we are all very excited and at the same time quite scared for this procedure. Hope everything will be a success. Luckily, I will be having my duty on the day of it's scheduled date. I'm so eager to see how it is done and the preparations for it. There's a definite surgical team who will do it and I see they're all skillful doctors to begin with. I'm having flashbacks of the movie "The Gifted Hands". Geez, that's so sentimental! Hehe.
What Is It Then?
I've been hearing and reading the word hydroxycut. And yet I have no idea on what it is. And because of curiosity, I googled it up and there I learned what it is. It's a nutritional supplement for weight loss. Oh. that's why I've been hearing a lot about it lately since a lot of people are looking for solutions for their weight loss problem. But then, is it safe? Of course one needs to consult his physician before trying any supplements.
Using A Horse Shampoo
Weeks ago, my brother bought a shampoo for horse. He said it's helpful for people with hair loss problems. And thinks it's the best hair loss shampoo in the market. don't know though, since there are a lot of hair loss products out there and never have I used any of them. Let's see then if it can help with the hair loss. Though he's not going bald. He just want to have a thicker hair.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Walking Around Is Tiring
Yeah, I usually walk around our unit especially if I am the circulating nurse. Need to attend to every doctor's and patient's concern. And so how I wished that this walking routine may help burn fats and considered to be a natural fat burner. If that's the case, then everyone of us should be in great shape now. But how come my legs are still big? It's not flattering for me to look at it as I have a hard time fitting my pants.
Taking Care Of My Skin
I think I'm really stressed out. It shows in my skin. It's starting to get dry and whenever I wash my face after my work, I felt bumps and big pores on it. Needs to go to the dermhaus for a facial too. But before that, I think this is where the time that toner comes in handy. I'm not a fan of toners but recently I bought one. Thought I badly needed it and observe if everything improves before I resort to one of the best acne treatments in the market. Yes, I starting to have pimples too around my jawline. I guess, one factor that contributed to it is because of disposable masks. Hays. It seems that my skin is starting to react on different things. Gotta have to take of it asap!
Bigger Tummy
What's wrong with my tummy? It's getting bigger considering that I only eat a cup of rice in my meals. They say it comes with age. And with the age I have, it's the time that women gets big as they say. And will an abs workout work? Should I enroll in a gym to tone down my body? Hay I wished it isn't that expensive and time consuming. But right now, I do think I need to hit the gym.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
New Memo
It has come to our knowledge that there is a new memo spread in our institution prohibiting the use of our hospital logo in picture taking without the consent of our administration. We were all saddened with this new policy because we recently posted pictures in our facebook account wearing our new scrub suits with the logo on it. And now, we have to delete that album. Sad. We were also excited with the pictures but sad to say we have to remove it unless of course we deleted the logo. It's time to heed the help of our reliable photoshop.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Thankfully Lost Some Pounds
Just a few weeks, I was worried I hit 56 kg. in my weighing scale. I started to lessen my intake of carbonated drinks and truly it helped. I may not have shed a lot of pounds but it helped loosen it. I thought i was gonna resort to nuphedragen but happy to say I didn't. It would really just takes a lot of self discipline and control to watch what you eat. Softdrinks help you gain some weight and help you feel bloated. And that's one of my priority list to eradicate or if not, lessen my intake of it.
Scorching Heat
The scorching heat of the sun feels like burning my skin. It's so hot brought about El Niño. I can't take riding the public transportations because of the weather. And I badly need a good day cream with SPF 30. That would like protect my skin to lessen the damage the UVA and UVB will give. I'm kind of worried to have PM shifts because I will be leaving the house where the sun is up and hot. I'll be wasting my money again for my taxi fares.
One Drug Per Prescription
I just can't understand the logic behind the one drug per prescription policy. It's quite absurd and a waste of prescription forms. And the physicians have to sign to a number of prescription forms especially if he/she has prescribed a lot of drugs. They're making our lives more miserable and exhausting, hehehe. It would be appropriate for the pharmacy head to explain to us the rationale behind this policy. Anyways, good thing there are over the counter supplements like adipex without prescription.
Needs Some Day Out
Time flies so fast. Didn't even recognize that it has been 3 months since I started my work. You can't even tell it if you're really busy, right? But I am happy that I'll nearly finish my contract as a reliever and hopefully will renew my contract as a contractual.
Though sad to say, I'm starting to get tired working. I feel like I need to take some rest. Maybe go on vacation or even go joyriding. If only I have the mobile I saw on goodsamers.com site. I think that would be comfortable doing a land trip. Maybe go to Camiguin perhaps? I wished!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wondering Where and How He Is
I just can't get to ignore the feeling of being sorry for having said mean words to him the last time we texted. Indeed, I tend to burst out my emotions and didn't even think about the consequence of it. I just had the urged to said it with conviction even though I really don't mean it that way. Confusing? Me too. I just said whatever I want to say because it felt relieving that way. But afterwards, I felt sorry. And I know I might have hurt him badly. I'm just still hurting that's why I was mean to him thinking that he's just being nice and sweet just to lead me on - a sort of ego tripping on his part. And now, I wanted to apologize and take back what I said since perhaps he's being nice was sincere. But it's kinda hard this time, since he already said he won't talk to me anymore. He might be ignoring me this time for good. That's sad. I guess, it's better this way. Since it's still quite hard for me to move on with us still talking.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Can't Sleep
It's past one in the morning and I can't sleep. This is one reason I hate having a one day off from a night duty. My day off will be spend mostly from sleeping the whole day and when bedtime comes, it's hard for me to sleep back again for tomorrow's morning duty. And so many things are lingering in my mind right now. Surprisingly, I was thinking of a cheapest car insurance awhile ago for my friend. Now, memories set in again from a failed relationship. I wonder if we ever gonna get back together someday. Perhaps it's one reason that I can't sleep as well.
Watching "Hachiko, A Dog's Tale" melted our hearts for this poor and loyal dog. We have been watching it through our friend's Samsung home theater in her condo unit. Hachiko is one example of a loyal dog, really a man's best friend. For like ten years since his master died, he still revisit the place where he usually wait for his master to arrive from work, and that is the train station. He usually sit in front and wait for his master to appear and give him a hug. For ten year, even without seeing his master he still has high hopes and wait for him patiently outside the train station. We were all teary eyed while watching it.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Exercise Your Right To Suffrage
Hours to go and the voting precincts will soon open to all the registered voters nationwide. Quite excited with election since this will be the first time that the Philippines will have an electronic type of voting. And I am eager to know how long would the announcing of the new leaders will take place. Hopefully, I could go vote tomorrow as early as I can since I still have my duty tomorrow morning. Anyways, I just hope that there will be no long lines for me.
Go cast your votes and vote wisely!
current events
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A Friend Is Expecting
A friend who has just got married is now expecting a child. Been to the ward to fetch my patient for surgery and while waiting, this friend informed us that she's expecting a child. It was a good news considering that it was only a month since her wedding and now they were given such wonderful blessing. She's now starting to take prenatal vitamins and starting to watch what she eats since she's beginning to eat a lot now. She has to watch her weight too.
The Malls Were On Sale
The malls were on sale last week. Went mall hopping and there was a huge sale marks everywhere. I even saw a discount diet pills in the malls too. Was able to buy some stuff I needed and glad I did at a discounted price. There was even some money left for me to eat my favorite foods. That's the nicest thing about buying things on sale. Now, I'm looking forward for the next payday again.
It's Hot and Humid
El Niño has given me an uncomfortable feeling everyday. The scorching heat of the sun plus the warm humid leaves me feeling sweaty and unfresh, even if I just came out from a bath. Indeed it's so hot that I cannot even dare to ride the public jeepneys and need to take the taxi instead. This eeky feeling made me want to take a bath more often in a day and enjoy using my acne body wash. Good thing now is that, it's starting to rain again.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Not Feeling Well For Now

*Photo credited to minimouse95 of deviantart.
Back at work, as I was circulating a thyroidectomy case with my trainee. Headache sets in. Thought it's associated with stress teaching my trainee on how to circulate. But as I had finished my work, there I realized I'm going to have a flu. My body's getting weak, I'm starting to get colds and fever. Rested for awhile when I arrived at home and there I felt how cold my body was. But fever didn't prevent from eating ice cream I bought for my family. Hehe.
And as I am writing this entry, I then realized I forgot to let my colleague sign the medication he gave the patient. Geez! Hope we could work it out tomorrow ASAP without getting an incidental report.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Bought Some Pills
Nah! It's not contraceptive pills nor diet pills. Bought some vitamin C capsules from my colleague and thought I needed to take some to help boost up my immune system. Sad to say, I always forgot to take it everyday since it's not a vitamins for acne that can oblige me from taking it religiously. Still, vitamin C can help make the skin healthy. And so I have to motivate myself to take it.
Sadness Is Hitting Me Again
It was such a sad moment for me to hurt someone again. Due to my anger, I said hurtful words to him and hated him so much. But I know deep inside I still long for him. It would be a normal reaction for him to withdraw. And it saddens me to see that coming. No amount of comforting words would spare him from the pain. I know how it feels then. But my emotions just got me and allowed myself to dwell on the anger feeling. Tried to divert my attention to something else by surfing the net, check out my facebook account and http://www.weightlosswand.com to no avail.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
One On Call Case
Reporting for my PM duty was sort of a breeze. Received one patient in PACU and the PACU nurse handle that patient and I'm glad I was able to update our monthly census in the computer and did some slight general cleaning afterwards. It was nice to keep the unit in order. But after awhile I received some on call schedule for D&C. We prepared the room for it and the supplies and instruments to be used. While waiting, we took a nap and just 30 minutes before our duty's done, the ward called and informed us to fetch the patient. My colleague who was reading a curvatrim review, stopped what she was doing and volunteered to get the patient from the ward. We helped circulated the said case and endorsed it to the next shift when the patient's already in the recovery room.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Food Trip
What a glorious day was yesterday. After the stressful work we had, my colleagues and I decided to treat ourselves with ice drop in the near mall. Luckily, as we were about to punch out our DTR, a doctor who is a friend of ours met us in the lobby and offered to treat us some yogurt. The yogurt was scrumptious and besides that, we get to ride in his new SUV. That was a double treat! After which, we all headed back to the hospital and I met with another colleague and off we went to a birthday celebration of another friend. That night was all about food trip and I was so full. Need to give myself some colon cleanser to help me evacuate those excess food. Hihihi!
Received Docus
At long last, after years of waiting we had already received the documents we need for the retrieving the birth certificate of m nephew. His mom is working abroad thus we advised her to use a document scanning software to scan her documents and to send it through email so we could receive it ahead. But there's a new problem to solve, my cousin's family name is spelled wrong. Toinks!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Island Hopping with Friends

This is the second time around that I tagged along for an island hopping in Samal. Now, I'm with my co-workers and some friends as well. We went to Babusanta, Coral Garden...and the others...I don't know where was that. What I knew was, the water was crystal clear and was so inviting. The corals were colorful and plentiful, the fishes were abundant and everything was just so great. We rented a boat for like P7,000, good for 50 persons maximum.
Everyone just loosen up and enjoyed the day diving with life vest on, since most of us didn't know how to swim. Hehe.
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